Saturday, July 4, 2015

Week 3 and 4

This past week I noticed a change as we all got better at our individual roles. Overall camp went more smoothly and there were generally less bumps and kinks than the past two weeks. We seem to have fallen into our groove. It's so nice to step back and watch camp.

Though the Lord has taught me many lessons this summer already, there are two things I've learned that stand out among the rest. 
1. The Lord always provides. 
2. The body of Christ is made of many different parts for good reason. 

I can't count how many times this summer our staff has doubted, worried, and paced over fear of not having what we need. "We need transportation." "We need hot, running water." "We need rest."  "We need to know what to do." "We need (fill in the blank)." Each and every one while we were busy worrying the Lord was at work solving the problems before they ever arose. My roommate Carrie and I have had to remind each other over and over again that the Lord's arm is not too short. I've learned to stand in amazement and simply look forward to the incredible ways the Lord provides for us. God is so good. 

Goofy kid making me smile on a tough day. 

The Body 
We hear about the how the eyes should not be jealous of the ears because each plays an important role. But sometimes when you're the pinky toe it's hard to see yourself as important as the thumb. At camp there are a lot of moving parts. It's easy to compare your role to others' and see yourself as less important. The truth is though, everyone is important. Whether you're a supporter, intern, staff member, camper, family member, or friend...each and every single person is important and plays a key role in the Kingdom coming to Clarkston. I'm thankful for all of the people that play a part in encouraging, working hands on, donating supplies, and managing the chaos. THANK YOU! 

Campers teaching Mr. Josh some new jokes. 

It's been a long two weeks, but they just keep getting better and better. I love getting to spend so much time with these awesome kiddos. We've fallen into a good routine at camp and enjoy having a houseful of people over for cookie baking and movie watching after camp as well. I feel so lucky and so blessed that I get to have a job where I get to know some of the coolest kids in the world. In the past two weeks, I got to go to the pool with some 5th graders, had three groups of people over to my house to bake cookies, one group stopped by to watch a movie, and several who stopped by for dinner. There have been countless hugs and smiles, a few tears, and one sentence that I never thought I would ever have to say, "Hey, let's just stick to walking on our hands, okay."

The kid who was walking on his hands instead of his feet...and really good at it. 


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