Monday, February 6, 2017

"Beautifully in over my head"

Whew. The last couple of weeks has been intense. In case you missed the email update we sent out, the Youth Programs team looks a little different than it has in the past. Read up on that here and let me know if you would like to be added to the email list. As a group, we are so excited to see what is in store for the youth of Clarkston. Already, our young leaders are making an impact in the lives of their peers that is completely amazing. I'm so proud to work with the people listed in the update and the many more who support us by volunteering, supporting financially, and keeping the pantry full of food. We are blessed. 

With the changes that have come and the time of year, it's felt a little overwhelming. January and February is a time of recruiting interns and volunteer teams. Thankfully, we already have 6/7 teams and a few interns committed to the summer. We are not finished yet, but it feels good to have a strong start. 

February is also the month we are launching our monthly donor campaign. Youth Programs is looking for 15 new monthly donors to support youth programs. I explained our ultimate goal in my last post to cover the whole youth programs budget, this is one of the ways we are looking to meet that goal and invite more people into the story. I must admit, you who read my blog are make up monthly donors already. BUT if you're not and you want to join that club, we can make it happen. :)

At the start of the year, Freinds of Refugees revamped their logo and colors. Youth Programs decided we needed to do the same. There will be a YP logo to share with you soon. We are also working with our advisory team to set some core values and further define who we are. And let me tell you, it has been a blessing to dig through the history of our program and look at the threads that have been woven in since the beginning. I love learning how each person that came before us added something unique and special that propelled us to where we are today. 

My job now is much more than manufacturing fun at camp. I have had to learn to overcome many of my own weaknesses when it comes to paperwork and tracking numbers. The things that come naturally to me are not the things that are required of me every day. Ask my mom, I'm not known for my organizational skills or ability to remember details. But I'm getting much better. I'm learning and growing and finding that I'm thankful for the opportunity to be stretched. I am fighting to be good at administrative tasks so that we can continue to have a safe place for youth to come and grow. I can be easily overwhelmed. Probably because I care so much. But I like to think of this new state of constantly feeling swamped as "being beautifully in over my head" instead (thanks for the perfect words Bethel). No worries, though. I may feel overwhelmed now, but I fully intend to come out on top. :)

Thank you, readers for reading. I'll be praying for you as you are hopefully praying for me. 

Then You crash over me and I've lost control but I'm free

I'm going under, I'm in over my head
Then you crash over me, and that's where You want me to be
I'm going under, I'm in over my head
Whether I sink, whether I swim
It makes no difference when I'm beautifully in over my head
Whether I sink, whether I swim
It makes no difference when I'm beautifully in over my head
I'm Beautifully in over my head
I'm Beautifully in over my head